41 Airbnb Hosting Tips – The ULTIMATE List
What are our 41 tips for Airbnb hosting? The truth is: there are many “styles” for hosting out there. What is the perfect Airbnb style? How do you stand out above your competition? What works for one host may not work for another. No matter what out of the 50 tips we guarantee you will learn something to improve your bookings.

1. Be Upfront
Every city, building, the landscape has difficulties. Whether your Airbnb has 100 steps, the toilet clogs or your wifi is choppy.
Let your guests know exactly what to expect before arriving. Mention the difficulties in your listing description or message your guests. If you’re upfront then your guests know what they are getting into and will be ready for any surprises.
2. Be Flexible With Check-In and Check-Out Times
It is definitely tough to be flexible if you have same day guest turnovers. Changing your bed sheets, cleaning the bathroom, and vacuuming takes time.
We are not saying let your guests check-in a day earlier or a day later is fine. If your Airbnb listing is prepared and ready, letting your guests store their luggage at your place or even checking in an hour early will go a long way.
3. Read All Reviews
By reading your guest reviews, you will find out instantly if they have misbehaved during any of their previous stays. Airbnb host reviews are normally very honest and will save you many headaches.
4. Response No Matter What
Regardless if it’s an inquiry, spam, or a simple question, just reply. A simple “No” is adequate and not replying at all will affect your response rate and could stop you from getting Superhost status.
5. Give New Guests A Shot
Every guest has to start somewhere and at the beginning, this will mean no previous reviews. We all
Message them via Airbnb App asking politely “what are you coming for?”, “is this your first Airbnb stay?”, “What time are you planning to arrive?” or “who are you bringing with you?”. These questions will get you a better feeling if the guest is good for your Airbnb.
6. Have Your Number Available
Almost everyone has a cell phone these days, but not everyone wants to pay the extra fees for service. One of our tips is to put your phone number and or address on a keyring.
If you don’t use a smart lock then a keyring is the perfect spot. You may not feel comfortable adding your full address onto a keyring. We suggest only adding your phone number due to privacy and it normally fits nicely onto the ring.
7. Co-Hosting Is Awesome
If you have a spouse helping you with your Airbnb then great. It can be overwhelming replying to all the inquiries and messages, especially if you have multiple listings.
A co-host can help if you ever travel to a country where you have no data…. or just want to enjoy your vacation in peace. Airbnb has plenty of options for co-hosting. Just remember in this tips for Airbnb hosting you will need to trust the co-host
8. Go One Step Further Than Your Competition
One of our favorite tips for Airbnb hosting. We leave a bottle of water per guest in the fridge and one beside their bed. We also have a fruit basket ready, which has got us many compliments
Some other ideas are lending your gym membership or handwriting a personalized note for your guest. Whatever it is, your guests will feel welcomed.
9. Share A Meal, Story, Coffee, Or Drink With Your Guests
This really depends on what vibe you are getting off your guests and if you are living in the same property. Some guests want complete privacy, others would love to share stories and enjoy your company. This will change from guest to guest.
10. Give Your Guests Space
On the same topic as sharing a meal and on the other spectrum. If you get the vibe that your guests are introverted or shy then give them space. Do not push that awkward conversation.
11. Leave Notes On Complicated Devices
Every home is built differently, some have hidden surprises that your guests won’t understand right away. For us, in one of our listings, one light switch needs to be turned on in order for the dining room table light to work. It is confusing so we place a note above that switch telling our guests to leave it on.
12. Send Your Guests A Message As Soon As They Book
A friendly message such as “Thank you for booking with us, we will have everything ready upon your arrival” will decrease the chances of your guests canceling on you, even if they find a better Airbnb.
13. Send Your Guests A Message 48 Hours Before Arrival
Not everyone is comfortable with traveling or living in a stranger’s house, especially if they are using Airbnb for the first time.
In our tips for Airbnb hosting, we recommend sending your guests a simple message 48 hours before the check-in. We send a standard message “Safe travels and we are looking forward to hosting you”. You can go further and ask what time they were expecting to arrive.
14. Instructions To Any Complicated Electronics
Your Airbnb guests will be of all ages. Some tech-savvy and others brand new. If your smart t.v. has many steps in order to connect to Netflix then leave a short instruction manual.
15. Use Energy-Efficient Products
Use energy-efficient light bulbs, timed switches, toilets, etc. It may save you a penny now, but a dollar over time.
16. Leave A Guest Binder For Your Guest’s
Adding a guest binder filled with your home instructions, front door code, wifi password, details on where to find extra supplies, contact information for emergencies, nearest restaurants, grocery stores, attractions and anything else you can think of will pleasantly surprise

17. Greet Your Guests If Possible
No matter where we travel, the first day is always stressful due to our new surroundings. If you do live at your place, greet your guests so they know who they are being hosted by and can feel at home faster.
18. Neighbor Relationships
Whether you live in a single-detached home, a condo, or an apartment, it is a good idea to notify your neighbors about your Airbnb
Keeping a good relationship with them may stop you from getting noise complaints and the cops called. Give your personal number to all nearby neighbors and ask them to call you first.
19. Use A Key-less Lock Pad or Key-box
In every single one of our Airbnb properties, we use keyless entry. On numerous occasions, our guests have lost keys, plus there is a security issue.
With a keyless pad, you are able to change the code whenever you want. It’s a great option for any Airbnb property. We wrote a full review of our top 5 smart locks for Airbnb.
20. Automate Messages To Save Time
Your initial message after your guest’s book, special instructions such as where to park, and your 48 hours before your guest’s check-in message will be very similar. After you host a few times, save everything on your phone for easy references.
21. Become Verified
A benefit for a guest becoming verified is the ability to instant-book if a host allows it. With host or guest verification, it gives your account credibility and you become trustworthy.
22. Have A Friendly Profile Picture
This can’t apply for everyone, but guests love to stay with couples more often than not. It isn’t a deal-breaker either, but if you can get a picture with your loved one then do so. Another option is taking a picture with your pets as a profile picture.
23. Only Upload Great Quality Pictures
Whether it’s your profile picture or listing pictures, anything you upload onto the Airbnb app should be of high quality. Most phone cameras will work perfectly.
24. Keep Your Place Organized
Make sure everything in your Airbnb has been put there for a reason. Overstocking could decrease the value of your listing. We try to keep our listing with as few items as possible which makes it easier to organize.
25. Give The Gift Of Entertainment
We love to leave books and classic board games in our Airbnb living rooms. They bring a homely feel to any property.
26. Leave Your Guests With Emergency Supplies
No matter what your situation is you want your guests to be protected. If you have a power outage then a flashlight is needed, if your place gets rain then provide an umbrella.
Your location will be new to most guests. The location and different kinds of food bring unknown dangers. Leave your guests with a first aid kit and Benadryl for allergies.
27. Remember Extra Supplies
Our ratio is one towel and toilet paper roll for every two nights a guest stays with us. Also, leave your guests an extra set of bed sheets and blanket in case of an accident. Other items can be supplied.
28. Add Selling Features In Your Airbnb Listing
If you live close to a grocery store, liquor store, a pub, coffee shop, etc then mention them in your listing. Your potential guests will look at those details and could be a deciding factor.
29. Set Your Pictures Up To Be Visually Appealing
Here is a trick I have not heard mentioned. When you upload your Airbnb pictures showcasing your place, make sure they tell a story. For example – If you have a basement suite then the first picture should be the stairs. The second picture will most likely be the living room.
With each picture include part of the previous one, the living room should have part of the stairs in it, and the next picture should have part of the living room in it. Make your pictures tell a story so your guests can visually picture your Airbnb listing.
20. Take Your Airbnb Pictures With Great Lighting
Great lighting doesn’t mean going out and buying equipment. Simply using a decent phone camera and take pictures in the daytime. Open all your blinds for the natural sunlight.
Another option is Airbnb’s photography service. It does cost money and the fee will be taken off future bookings. Airbnb sends a professional photographer which also provides an extra verification for your profile.

21. Make Sure Your Pictures Are Accurate
Guests will surely complain in your reviews if the pictures aren’t exactly the same as your Airbnb listing. If a picture is on the wall, leave it there, etc.
If you change or add something to your listing then update your pictures. We have seen some negative reviews from alterations.
22. Fill In Your Airbnb Picture Titles
Having titles can guide your guests and explain exactly what they are looking at. Right below each picture you can add a description. This is a chance to tell your guests a little more about your listing and convince them to book.
23. Add Pictures Of Your Local Road, Restaurants, Flyers, Etc
We go out to our local restaurants and grab menus. Then we take one picture with all the menus together. Sometimes we add an area map which our guests have enjoyed.
24. Have A Competitive Price At The Beginning
Just like guests who don’t have any reviews. Neither will you as a new host. To kick-start your Airbnb listing check-out your competition and become slightly lower in price per night. Lowering the price will initially get you bookings which in return reviews and trust with future guests. Your Airbnb listings will book faster this way.
25. Do Not Use Airbnb Recommended Pricing (Smart Pricing)
We have always found the price Airbnb suggests to be significantly lower than the going rate. Their recommended pricing doesn’t normally adjust with regard to upcoming events. If you are aware of yearly events that bring travelers, adjust your pricing manually to increase your profits.
26. Make Sure You Have All The Basic Amenities
Your guests may not always use everything during their stay, but giving them the option is impressive.

27. Try To Get Tickable Amenities
Airbnb itself has an amenities page that can increase your search volume. They allow you to check off certain items which will be included in your listing description
28. Test Everything In Your Airbnb Property
Whether it is old or new, make sure you take the time to test your Airbnb like you are a guest. This includes checking the functionality for all your appliances, couches and chairs.
Even go one step further and sleep in your Airbnb beds to make sure they are comfortable for your guests.
29. Be Responsible With Your Listing
Know the Airbnb policies. Educate yourself on all necessary permits and city by-laws. Study in-depth all the Airbnb rules and regulations, particularly about cancellations.
Have all phone numbers handy in case you need help beyond what’s available in
30. Do Not Cancel Reservations
You are allowed to cancel up to three bookings a year, without penalties. Too many cancellations will hurt your Airbnb rating and stop you from receiving Superhost status.
On a side note, if you have a good reason for canceling after the third time, call Airbnb and they will most likely wave the penalty.
31. Quick Responses Wins Over Airbnb
Responding quickly is appreciated among guests trying to plan their vacation. A response rate within Airbnb means replying to any inquiry and is needed for Superhost status.
32. Leave Snacks For Your Guest Check-in
One of our tips for Airbnb hosting is to leave snacks that were made locally. Our community is well known for salted nuts and coffee. Leave a note and explain what the company is about.
33. Reach Superhost Status
Being at this status will put you higher up on Airbnb search results, which in return gets you more bookings and revenue
You are able to forfeit the travel voucher for Airbnbs professional photographers. With our tips for Airbnb hosting, achieving Superhost status isn’t hard, you just have to be punctual.

34. Message Your Guests After Their First Night
Give your guests a day to test everything you provide out. Message them via Airbnb app asking how their first night went and if they need anything. This small gesture will help
35. Ask For A Review
Contrary to most Airbnb host thoughts, asking for a review isn’t bad. It’s how you ask that can be bad. What works well for us is messaging our guests a few hours after they leave.
Hope they had a great stay with you and that their travel home is safe. Ask your guest for a favor and to give a review. Even ask for a 5-star review. Mention that it helps you get higher up on the Airbnb rankings and helps them with future hosts.
36. Allow Instant Booking For Your Airbnb
Instant booking is where verified guests can book your place without you approving them. Guests can filter their searches for instant booking only which will increase the number of views your listing receives. Plus you get a cool thunder icon in the map view.
37. Understand Both Mobile & Desktop App
We have found it fairly difficult to do the same things on Airbnb mobile and desktop. The interface in some ways are similar and others completely different. Take the time to test both,
38. Do Not Pay Attention To Certain Statistics
Both views and booking percent are different between mobile and desktop. We recommend focusing on statistics that count. Anything in regards to Superhost status for the benefits.
39. Get Insurance
Especially if your place has a pool, or in a location that is accident-prone. Get in touch with an insurance agent and inquire about a policy.
40. Offer Self-Check-In
First time Airbnb travelers could be skeptical. Installing a keypad which varies in price is a great option. Offer a self-check-in option. Some people want hotel privacy without the hotel price.
41. Do Not Let Guests Check-in Early If Your Place Is Dirty
No matter how much they beg or say they don’t care, they will. Guests will remember the negative things and ultimately it will affect your reviews. We found this out the hard way. Be considerate, but not too much.
Check Out Our Other Articles On Airbnbuniverse.com
Final Thoughts
Becoming an Airbnb host is easy. You need a place to list and a device to take pictures. Becoming a Superhost or capitalizing on bookings is harder. We guarantee you will learn something to improve your bookings with our 41 tips for Airbnb hosting. With them, you will be well on your way. Happy hosting!