Airbnb Photo Tips

Airbnb photos are what guests will first see when searching for a place to stay. It is also what most people base booking off of. With better Airbnb photo tips you will decrease your vacancy rate and increase your profits.

What makes for a great Airbnb photo? In this article, we will explain what most hosts do wrong and guide you in the right direction.

Our Top 5 Mistakes New Airbnb Hosts Make:

1. Sticking To One Angle

Most new Airbnb hosts will use the same straight angle for all there listing pictures. When they decide to get a professional to take the pictures, they notice that different angles are used among various other things.

Experiment on different angles. Lying down on the floor and try the same picture, then step on something and take a picture up higher looking down.

With different angles, you can get a more creative looking Airbnb picture and increase your listings click-through rate which turns into more bookings.

2. Pay Attention To Lighting

Natural lighting is always the best. If you can, take a picture with your lights turned on but blinds closed. Next, take the exact same picture in the daytime with your indoor lights off and blinds open.

Lighting is the single most neglected aspect for new Airbnb hosts. The number of times you come across a listing and think they could do so much better with lighting is astounding. Don’t be one of those hosts.

3. Move Around While Taking Airbnb Photos

Keeping your feet planted in one spot can hinder your Airbnb photos. In order to get the best pictures for your Airbnb listings, you will have to move around to test what works best.

Afterward, you will be able to choose which pictures worked the best for your listing and set them up to attract guests.

Remember to move all directions. Horizontal, vertical, and left to right. Every direction counts.

Airbnb Photo Tips

4. Keeping a Steady Shot

If you don’t have sturdy hangs while holding a camera, then set your camera down on a table or better yet, use a tripod.

Tripods are great for getting stability in any picture that you wouldn’t normally have. Without a steady shot, your Airbnb picture will look blurry in some spots and out of focus.

No matter what, with your Airbnb pictures have stationary objects, use a solid table at the bare minimum and a tripod if you can get one. This will help you take sharper photos.

5. Clean Your Camera Lenses

Many amateurs will walk around with a dirty, smudged, or dusty lens. This will simply blur your Airbnb photos the fastest.

This happens most commonly with phone cameras. Everyone’s hands are on the camera lens creating smudge marks. Always clean the camera lens before taking any Airbnb photos.

How do you clean your camera lens? Use a microfiber cloth and lens cleaning solution. If you have anyone in the family with glasses then their solution and a microfiber cloth will work.

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Final Thoughts

Single-handedly your Airbnb pictures are the most important part of your listing. By following our Airbnb photo tips you will improve your listings click-through rate and bookings. Enjoy and happy hosting.